Class Rules

In order to create the best learning environment for everyone I have a few class rules that you and I will both be held to.

1. Respect Yourself

  • I will participate in class
  • I will be prepared for class
  • I will put forth my BEST effort
  • I will ask questions if I need help

2. Respect Others

  • I will keep my hands to myself and my belongings
  • I will use positive and encouraging words
  • I will ask questions before assuming anything
  • I will raise my hand if I need to speak

3. Safety

  • I will follow all science safety rules (listed in Safety Contract)
  • I will walk in class at all times
  • I will exit and enter class quietly
  • I will listen to and follow all instructions

*** Under NO circumstance will violence/threats of ANY kind be tolerated in class. Students who fail to comply will be removed from class immediately and sent to the dean's office. 

- This set of rules will be handed out in class and the STUDENT and PARENT need to read and sign the agreement.

- Rules are subject to change based on the needs of the class. 

-All school policies must be followed in addition to the specific classroom policies.


If any of the above rules are broken during class the course of action is as follows.

1. Student will be asked to correct behavior by the teacher

2. If the student fails to correct behavior, they will have to remain after class and talk with the teacher about the issue.

3. If the problem continues, a behavior contract will be set-up and parents notified.

** A behavior contract will be used whenever the teacher deems necessary and beneficial especially if the behavior affects the student academically or socially in the class.